What is two-minute ramble?
This is the two-minute ramble, a site maintained by me, a videogame nerd who is currently working as a freelance graphic designer. This site is a small passion-project I am building while I attempt to upskill myself in frontend web development.
About the Site.
The two-minute ramble project is a small blog site used as a live platform to trial systems and tools I am learning. I wanted to create a site I could schedule daily content, that can evolve and change as I add new elements, and then hopefully offer this type of website build as a service to clients in the future. I will try to document these changes as the site grows, but otherwise will just fill it with the things I love, from TRON to Mass Effect, Star Wars to Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Gravity Falls and more.
Stuff About Me.
As mentioned, I am a huge fan of videogames and some pop-culture, so when I am not spending my down time playing console games I work as a freelance graphic designer (and hopefully soon a frontend website developer). I was born in South Africa in the early 80s and as such experienced the exciting change in technology as home computing and the internet become common place, and gaming a household norm for a lot of people. Having spent a fair portion of my childhood playing the old Sierra On-line and LucasArts Entertainment videogames I have a huge fondness of narrative based experiences especially those with fantasy or sci-fi themes. This led to starting a collection of games, from PC to console.
Before beginning my freelance career I co-owned a videogame and pop-culture retail business for around 16 years which only added to my obsessive hording of videogames, however in the past couple of years I have downscaled that collection to a few of my favourite titles across console generations. When posting content, I hope to use photos from this collection to add a bit more authenticity to the article(s).
A small note I wanted to add: I don’t see myself as an expert on anything I write about, I post about the stuff I enjoy because I enjoy it, not because I see myself as an authority on it. I will always try to fact-check where possible but if there is anything posted the isn’t 100% accurate let me know.
get in touch.
Should you like to drop me a message to say hi, or follow two-minute ramble on social media platforms, you can do so using the following links: